26 Feb 2015

What to do when you have acne

what to do when you have acne

Acne is normal skin disease that occurs in our teenage age in different forms. It occurs due to some harmonic changes that happen while entering in teenage age. It is not dangerous but can be a reason to embarrassment.

This is the time of fashion where people are spending more on skin care and in this time if someone has Acne that is bad for his/her face beauty. There is nothing you can do to prevent from Acne. But if you have them then you need some treatment or precautions to rid from Acne.

When someone gets Acne there is one thing in his or her mind now what to do to rid from Acne. For that there are many Medical and Natural treatments are available that we discuss later in this blog. But here are some tips that you need in starting days of acne that can prevent you to having more Acne and scars.

Tips to do when you get acne

  1. Oil on the face is big contributes to acne. So to prevent the oil buildup you need wash your face once or twice a day with a mildsoap and warm water.
  2. Never scrub your face hard with a wash cloth. If you do then it may make it worse by irritating the skin. Try cleansing your face as gently as you can. 
  3. If you wear makeup or any sunscreen, check that it is labeled “noncomedogenic" or “nonacnegenic”.
  4. When you wash makeup then make sure that remove all of your makeup so it doesn't clog your pores.
  5. If you use hair sprays or gels, try to keep them away from your face, as they also can clog pores.
  6. If you have long hair that touches your face, be sure to wash it often enough to keep oil away. Because that can make your face oily.
  7. If you have an after-school job that puts you in contact with oil — like in a fast-food restaurant or gas station, be sure to wash your face well when you get home.
  8.  It also can help to wash your face after you've been exercising.
  9. It is good to use lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide.
  10.  Visit to a doctor if you need.

Many over-the-counter lotions and creams containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide are available to help prevent acne and clear it up at the same time. You can experiment with these to see which helps.

Be sure to follow the instructions exactly — don't use more than you're supposed to at one time (your skin may get too dried out and feel and look worse) and follow any label directions about allergy testing.


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