26 Feb 2015

The common types of Acne

different types of Acne
We have an introduction with acne in the previous article and know that Acne comes with the teenage age that is natural process. Many of us must have suffered from acne at least once in their lifetime. Both men and women have problem of acne in their life.

Acne comes in different forms that include whitehead, blackhead and pimples. It’s necessary to know about different types of acne because that can help us in specific need for treatment. Here are the examples of different types of acne with images.


Whiteheads are a mild type of acne vulgaris. It affects mostly teenagers. It remains under the skin and are very small in size. They are formed when the pores on the skin are blocked due to dirt or excess oil.


Blackheads are another form of mild acne. They are black in color and appear on the surface of the skin. Very much similar to whiteheads, except that the top part of the pimple is open. Air gets in through the open area and turns the oil under the skin into black color resulting in blackheads. Blackheads are basically a non-inflamed blocked pore. Remember that a blackhead is not caused by dirt.


 Papules are a moderate form of acne vulgaris and visible on the surface of the skin. They are a type of acnes that get inflamed with small red colored bumps on the skin. Sometimes these acnes can be very sensitive to touch. As a precautionary measure you should not prick or try to break them as it may lead to scarring.

Like whiteheads, they are caused by an oily mixture that clogs hair follicles trapped beneath the surface of the skin. However, papules are also associated with acne inflammation, and they can be tender to the touch.


 Pustules are an inflamed variety of pimple that are hard, and full of pus with a white or pale yellow center. They are red at their base and have pus at the top. One should avoid pricking or breaking these pimples. They are prone to cause dark spots or scars all over the skin. Pustules are more commonly known as pimples. They are filled with a mixture of oil and bacteria that's trapped beneath the skin's surface. Pustules are often painful and also cause inflammation.


Nodules are categorized in the severe acne varieties. They are much larger than the above types of acnes, are painful, inflamed bumps, without pus and are hard to touch. They need to be treated by a good dermatologist as you may need to get rid of them with prescription drugs. Over the counter medicines do not work on these acnes.


 Cysts are also type of severe acne varieties and large in size. It contains pus and looks very similar to boil. Cysts can easily cause scars. They are very painful to touch and you may need the help of a dermatologist.

Nodules and cysts are considered the severe forms of acne affecting people. Never try to prick or break cysts as the bacteria can spread over to other unaffected regions on the skin and you are more likely to get more cysts and nodules.

All above conditions can all cause undue stress and anxiety and can even be rather painful. However, there is no need to worry if you suffer from any of the above acne types as most acne is curable and can be treated successfully.

Though, different types of acne will require different types of acne treatments. It is ideal to consult your doctor, specifically a dermatologist, to analyze the type of acne you are suffering from and in order to find the correct treatment.


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